Delta Airlines Says Passengers Can Use Travel Vouchers Through 2024
On Wednesday, Delta Airlines announced a bit of good news for fliers with travel vouchers on their hands: the flight credits can now be redeemed for travel through the end of 2024.
The new expiration date, which went into effect on January 12, applies to all existing Delta eCredits. Fliers will be able to rebook their tickets through December 31, 2023, for travel throughout all of 2024. The same policy will apply to all tickets booked in 2022.
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The Top International Destinations Unvaccinated Travelers Can Visit
International travel has opened up considerably over the past year-plus since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout began, but many destinations have only reopened their borders to individuals who can prove that they've been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus and in some cases boosted as well. Fortunately for the unvaccinated, there are still a handful of exciting destinations that they can visit without extended quarantine periods in 2022.
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Business Travel Comeback Continues to Turn the Corner
Business travel continues to turn the corner on the pandemic, especially over the past month, as concerns about omicron begins to fade and global travel restrictions loosen. This according to the latest COVID-19 recovery poll from the Global Business Travel Association.
The industry “is entering into the next phase of global business travel – one of thoughtful recovery,” said GBTA CEO Suzanne Neufang. “Our recent research reflects that shift.”
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