Ready for Takeoff: 7 Travel Tips for Remote Workers
Remote working has changed from a nice-to-have option to a competitive allure for today's employees. Originally, people were forced to work from home due to the Covid-19 pandemic; but after more than two years, approximately 60% continue working from home all or most of the time, with 61% choosing not to go into their place of work at all, even when the option is available.
With international borders open and people virtually working from anywhere, anytime, it's no surprise people are keeping their passports updated and ready to go. Employees are truly mixing business with pleasure by taking their work with them on the road. Whether traveling internationally or sticking closer to home, remote work is here to stay.
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Monkeypox Outbreak: What to Know About Symptoms, the Vaccine and More
The World Health Organization considers monkeypox a "moderate" public health risk as more cases are reported in countries which don't normally report the disease, but there's no concern for another pandemic right now, one WHO official said. In total, over 250 cases in 23 non-endemic countries have been reported, according to the global health agency.
In the US, there are at least 18 cases of monkeypox across nine different states, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The country confirmed its first case of monkeypox in mid-May, joining the list of other countries that don't typically report cases of the disease (countries where monkeypox isn't endemic).
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Airports in New York City Can No Longer Overcharge Travelers for Food and Drinks
New York City has been doing a lot in recent years to improve its three airports—everything from building entire new terminals to modernizing concourses and security checkpoints. But one of the most passenger-friendly changes for airports in New York City was just announced on May 12.
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey—which runs LaGuardia, JFK, and Newark airports—announced new price caps for food and drink services in all three airports to prevent concessionaires from gouging travelers. The new policy limits concession prices to the product's “street pricing” outside the airport plus a maximum surcharge of 10 percent, which is meant to compensate for the fact that they face higher operating costs than off-airport dining establishments.
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