In This Issue: |
7 Super Successful People Share Their Best Travel Tips |
Female Business Travelers Find a More Accomodating World |
TSA PreCheck Sets Up Shop in Strange Places | |
7 Super Successful People Share Their Best Travel Tips | |
Business trips are often associated with long hours, uncomfortable hotel beds, and perpetual jet lag. However, these trips prove necessary for building relationships with clients and closing deals, so it's important to make the most of them. Whether it's avoiding lost luggage, exploring new places, or simply using your time as efficiently as possible, there are plenty of ways to maximize business travel. Continue Reading>> | | |
Additional Articles: |
Delta Adds More Extensive Dining Options in Sky Clubs Read Article>> |
Who's to Blame for the Reclining Seat Fights? Read Article>> |
Five Essential Travel Tips for Small Business Owners Read Article>> | |
Female Business Travelers Find a More Accomodating World | |
Emilie Kroner believes it's getting easier for a woman to travel frequently on business. "Thanks to social collaboration and godsend sites like GChat and Skype, I'm able to virtually eat dinner with my kids, hear about their day, see the excitement on their faces, read them a bedtime story and say prayers before they go to sleep," she says. Kroner, a management consultant in Loveland, Ohio, says all that "would have been almost impossible" to do 10 years ago. She and many female Road Warriors — frequent business travelers who volunteer information to USA TODAY — have faced many gender-related challenges through the years. They see a different — and better — world of travel for women today. Continue Reading>> | | |
TSA PreCheck Sets Up Shop in Strange Places | |
The Transportation Security Administration is dialing down its program of "free samples" for passage through PreCheck lanes at airports. Soon the only way to way to guarantee the buzz that comes with keeping your shoes on and your laptop and 3-1-1 baggie in your carry-on at the checkpoint will be to pay for it. You can do that now through one of the Trusted Travel Programs offered by U.S. Customs and Border Protection or by paying TSA $85 and visiting a designated application center for fingerprinting and document review. Continue Reading>> | | |
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