FAA Approves New Design That Gives the Middle Seat More Space
The FAA has recently approved a new staggered seat design which will make for a more comfortable journey for travelers who fly in the middle seat.
The design model called the S1, is an innovative seating structure that puts the middle airline seat several inches lower than and further back from the aisle and window seats, providing much-needed additional space.
According to Fast Company, the seats will be installed on 50 aircrafts by the end of 2020
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Hospitality Brands Go All-In on the Sleep Movement
Ask travelers the No. 1 thing they want out of a hotel stay, and chances are the answer is: a good night’s sleep.
For this reason, the hospitality industry has always cared about rest. But despite the fact that getting enough shut-eye is crucial for travelers who want to feel good on business trips or vacation, innovation in the area for years was decidedly lacking (Westin’s Heavenly Bed, for example, launched in 1999).
That’s all changed, however, with the rise of the wellness movement — which has an obsession with sleep.
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Struggling to Balance Your Business and Your Family?
Some entrepreneurs sacrifice everything to build their business. They eschew relationships, forego friends, and spend all of their time focusing on getting the bigger deal, raising the next round, and securing the next partnership. However, that model is quickly becoming outdated.
Here are 11 techniques that my clients have used to find creative ways to work hard on their business while staying connected and committed to their spouses and kids and also true to their core values and personal priorities.
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